Nursing requires endless patience

As a nurse, you will come across endless situations which test your patience and make you feel the pressure.

From things as simple as not being able to find the right equipment in order to carry out a task to communicating with members of other professionals who do not understand you. The reality of being a nurse is also a huge pressure, the constant dirty uniforms, not being able to go to that party or spend time with your partner because you have to do a night shift when hes working 9-5.

Most importantly you need to have patience for your service users.You need patience with the small kid who is constantly screaming and crying because he is bored and wants to go home, patience with that teenage girl who keeps sliding down the bed and needs re positioning 8 times a day, and definitely with the parents who don’t seem to appreciate that you are looking after 5 other patients expect instant action and care when asked for.

So where do you find it from? I would be interested to know. Is it from support from your family or friends? Is it from jokes with your fellow nursing staff? Or is it coming from some amazing internal source? Are you born with it or do you have to train yourself in this quality?

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