So you want to be a nurse

I feel like I have so much to talk about now that I'm in my final year and so close to graduation. It's important to me to warn all the future nursing students exactly what they're getting into. Therefore I bring you a list of things you should know prior to becoming a student nurse:

Your life will be over for a little awhile. I'm not just talking about while you're studying in university. I lost 2 years of time I've wanted to spend with family and friends I will never be able to get back only to take on a 12 hour shift job which will take me away from them anymore. Don't get my wrong, I love my job with a passion, I wouldn't change it for anything however your social life must end and your school life must become a priority. It is insanely time consuming, but if you're committed you'll make it through and it will be worth it in the end.

You will get fat. University and placement is full of chocolates, cakes, take aways and fatty hospital cafeteria food, not to mention the occasional all night study sessions which will require a years supply of lattes and chocolate in order to stay awake. I flutter between 10 and 20 pounds more than I started and the worst part is those elastic-waist uniform trousers make you feel as if you haven't gained any weight at all because they fit no matter how much chocolate you eat. The Nursing uniform s is a comfortable blanket of lies. They are awesome. 

The uniform is awesome. I  can not say this enough. Not only are they extremely comfortable, They make  people think you are a medical professional who may one day save their life so they are nicer to you. People open doors for you, smile at you and nearly everyone speaks to a lady nursing uniform as if they think that asking how you are H will you cause you to remember their faces. 

Nursing students can make anything sound inappropriate. It's a coping mechanism which is used by a lot of people. We need to talk about herpes and vomit and blood and the ever-present thought of the dying, to help us get through the day. We do develop a strange sense of which can turn a pressure ulcer into a laugh. Well... no...actually that is a huge a lie, a pressure ulcer is never, ever a laughing matter, but the reason we talk and laugh about stuff is because other nurses are the only people  you can actually  feel comfortably asking was THAT normal??

Nursing students do most of the work that nurses do not want to do. I have never heard anyone say I can not wait to become a nurse so I can give everyone bed baths but this is exactly what most of the clinical placement days will consist of. you do  spend a lot more time cleaning patients than practicing the key clinical skills  you will one day use to care for them. You need to use you initiative and ask the nurses on the ward if you can watch or carry out any of the clinical procedures rather than expecting it. I should however make it very clear that I do consider bathing and personal care an integral part of patient care, and I think its important for students and nurses to get involved and no one is beneath doing it.  

All nurses are psychiatric nurses. As a slightly nutty nursing student myself, I have never been the student who has said "I don't deal with crazy" which was a good because that's rude and inappropriate and  these so-called crazy people (you know, like me) are everywhere. You will have to deal with schizophrenic, bipolar and anxious patients within hospitals, nursing homes, schools and private sectors. You WILL have to care for patients with mental health problems at least once a week, So suck it up and make sure you improve your communication skills. It is now a part of your job description. 

You will not feel prepared when its time to graduate. It doesn't matter if university was a ten year course instead of three, you will still not have time to practice every skill with every type of patient that you will come across in your nursing career. I'm a third year student who still hasn't started my IV training or seen CPR on a person who isn't made from plastic. Don't get me wrong, I have gained so much knowledge and experience however you will not do it perfectly once you graduate and that's okay. As long as you learn because I can guarantee you, you will be learning for the rest of your life. 

Nursing is a sisterhood (or brotherhood). When I first joined university I was incredibly competitive and I didn't want anyone get in the way of my graduation however I was introduced to a group of girls, some who became my best friends. We lost a few student on the journey but these ladies became my sisters. We started as classmates and ended up as an unexpected family who each other study study help. We share laughter and tears and I thank God EVERY DAY for every single one of them.

You CAN do it.  This is something you need to remember and tell yourself. every. single. day. A lot of the skills that you use in nursing you are born with. Compassion is something that you can not teach.  It is hard and you may feel like you are drowning in work but if you cling tight to God and those who love you, you will finish with a degree in your hand. and you'll feel like an absolute legend.. that is until you have your first ever shift as a real nurse and you almost pee your pants at-least 20 times. But you can do it and it will be worth it.

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